Sunday 20 March 2016

The Dark Legacy of the Beatles

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Expert Author Harrington A Lackey
Exactly 52 years ago, February 7, 1964, a Pan Am airplane taxied down the runway of JFK's airport as an overwhelming crowd of teenage girls screamed as the Beatles prepared to disembark. That day would start a movement that would negatively change our American culture.
Although the Beatles dressed conservatively and had all the polished charm and wit of proper young British gentlemen, it later became evident that they had an evil agenda to fulfill. Before the Beatles came to the U.S., they had already been at the top of the British charts with a number of melodious songs about innocent, adolescent love. Their music was a style of pop and rock that nobody in the U.S. had heard before. It was so catching, it inspired other young British musicians to record songs of the same style.
The Beatles were at the front line of the British Invasion. Other bands and individual singers hailed from England to "conquer" the United States with their music and fame. A generation of young people was influenced by their music. Teenage boys wanted to be them. Girls screamed and fainted when their music was played.
The Beatles came over with a strange style of hair called "mop heads." Other British bands wore the same type of hair, so that they could become like them. Within two years, these troubadours from the 1960's skipped haircuts and let their hair grow much longer. Young American men who were wearing crewcuts, let their hair grow too. The Beatles threw away their coats and ties and wore any casual way they wanted. Like the Beatles, fans started wearing what they wanted. Also, most were forming drug habits and their American fans were imitated them. What started as "Beatlemania" turned into the counterculture, led by the rise of American youth. Teens stopped looking to God. They stopped listening to their parents and moved away to join "communes." Casual sex and taking drugs became the norm. Kids from conservative families even became hippies.
According to the March 1966 issue of the London Evening Standard, when asked how the Beatles live, John Lennon told the press: "Christianity will go,... It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that. I'm right and I'll be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now. I don't know which will go first, rock 'n' roll or Christianity... "
This arrogant statement caused a backlash against the group. Former fans burned Beatles records and other paraphernalia in Southern states, but, this was just a hiccup; the Beatles were still composing songs for new albums, but this time, their songs were new and strange. Their songs became psychedelic- charged with drugs, sex, violence, hidden messages, music and chanting played backwards, sometimes mixed with Indian music. They had even more young fans listening to their new music that didn't resemble their innocent songs, but driven by chaotic tunes.
In the latter half of the 1960's, other groups imitated the Beatles. They wrote psychedelic music, which was a product of taking mind-altering drugs. The Beatles' were the first to admit they were taking drugs. Their lyrics changed a lot; instead of writing songs about innocent love, they produced music about doing "what you want to do."
Between 1966 and 1969, they produced several albums which featured all of these changes. These albums contained songs that screwed with the listener's brain. Their covers even looked strange, especially, "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band," and "The Magical Mystery Tour" and "Yellow Submarine." The "Sergeant Pepper" album cover featured the Beatles dressed up in colorful marching band costumes. In back of them are pictures of famous people they liked, including Allister Crowley- a Satanic cult leader. "The Magical Mystery Tour" cover featured the band dressed up as animals. Songs produced by their contemporaries like the Rolling Stones also had a lot of psychedelic album covers and music. Plus, the Stones boldly pledge their allegiance to the devil with their 1967 album "Their Satanic Majesties Request." This album was purposely released at the same time as the Beatles' album, As for Lennon's statement, other famed singers agreed with his anti-Christian beliefs. They even "sold their souls" for fame and fortune. "Yellow Submarine" was promoted with a picture of Lennon making the "hook 'em horns" sign of the devil with his left hand while Paul McCartney is turning his fingers into a "666" pose. Even on the album cover, the cartoon picture of its members, prominently shows John Lennon's figure raising his hand with the demonic "hook 'em horns" sign.
Many other rock/pop bands over the last five decades have adopted this "hook 'em horns" as well as the "666" signs. Some have gone deeper, promoting more symbols representing satanic worship. Many modern hip hop, rap stars, Hollywood actors, sports stars and politicians make the signs to show their allegiance to the devil, because they have sold their souls for worldly fame and fortune. It is believed even John Lennon was one of the first musicians to have made a satanic pact for fame with the Beatles.
On February 9, two days after the Beatles landed in the United States, they played for the first time on the Ed Sullivan Show. The proverbial genie was out of the bottle and there was no going back; their evil plan to culturally and religiously take over America had begun. They became the most influential modern band ever, changing the way music was composed and played, and inspiring generations of bands and individual singers. While they were the most renowned, beloved band of the 1960's, over time, they influenced so many other rock/pop bands and entertainers that the cultural norms that existed before were scarred as many of American young people turned to drugs and left home. Today, the generation inspired by the Beatles are more "cool and hip" parents. who aren't as strict as their parents were to them. Today's young generation have been raised on hard-hitting heavy metal, hip-hop, and rap. Even worse, they are taking drugs with unknown side effects, that didn't exist before.
I wonder what our culture would have been like if the Beatles never made it to New York City? Would America be a totalitarian state? Would there have been a cold war with Russia? It's lamentable that after they had already torn up society, and broken up in 1970, John Lennon was singing about giving "peace a chance." That peace never completely came.
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