Sunday 20 March 2016

Review of Singorama - An Online Singing Course

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Welcome to my honest and frank review about the online singing course called "Singorama"
If you are like me, you will enjoy singing and find that it brings you much joy and happiness. From a young age, I have always loved to sing. Usually, that would involve me joining singing groups like the choir in school. I not only liked to sing in groups but I liked to sing on my own too. But because I was a shy girl, I didn't have much experience singing by myself in public. Over the years, I dreamt that I could sing more confidently and show off my skills in public. But I also knew that I would have to have someone to guide me to improve my singing.
Recently, I considered taking singing lessons from a vocal coach. But I thought that there must be a cheaper option as the rate of a singing lesson per hour was quite steep. And at that time, I didn't want to fork out so much money on a vocal coach. So exasperated as I was, what did I do? I went and checked out the internet to see if there were any online singing courses that were affordable and that had a good reputation.
I found a few courses that I liked. And in this article, I will tell you about a great course called "Singorama." Here in this review, I will outline what you get when you pay for the course.
In the course, there are 28 audio lessons that you can download onto your PC. These lessons teach you the correct way to sing. It is divided into sections and each section deals with a different aspect of singing.
There are bonus warm up lessons that teach you how to practice your singing so that you can improve upon it. You will be taught how to increase your range and how to strengthen your vocal chords so that you can sing confidently.
One big proposition that the course makes is that you can learn how to sing properly and use your vocal chords properly to enable you to be singing much better after one week of practising warm ups. These warm ups take just 15 minutes per day. So you will get to see results after just one week! These fast results make this course very attractive.
You are also presented with three unique songs which were made officially for the course. This is handy as you will be learning how to sing a song from scratch.
Also included in the course are software that can help you on your singing journey. This includes a recording software that makes you feel that you have a recording studio in the privacy of your own home.
The best thing about this course though is the price. At the time of writing, the course cost just under $100 USD. That is an extremely affordable price. And the beauty about learning to sing online is that you when you pay for the course, you will be able to have lifetime access, meaning that you can always replay the audio lessons as many times as you like until you have mastered the singing technique.
This course also has a great reputation. In the past decade, Singorama has enabled hundreds of people to learn to sing properly and train their voice to sound like a professional. The lessons that you download in the course will help you achieve your vocal dream.
Karlee Sun loves music, particularly singing. Her favourite past time is to sing. Please feel free to visit her site at where you will be able to download a FREE e-book that can help you become a better singer in just 90 days.
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