Sunday 20 March 2016

Great Songs With Weak Opening Lines

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Expert Author Doug Poe
The season for beginnings is approaching, bringing images of baseball and cookouts along with it. For some professional baseball players, a good spring could mean the difference between a million dollar Major League salary or a meager wage in the minors.
Spring also offers a good opportunity for regular folks to start anew, considering most of us have by March 21st long abandoned our New Year resolutions. The key to a good spring is to start it in a positive manner, setting yourself up for a meaningful rest of the year.
Don't give up, though, if your spring gets off to a bad start. Some great ideas have developed from not so great beginnings, from early attempts at aviation to presidential terms to sports teams.
In the world of popular music, too, bad starts do not necessarily doom songs. Some classic hits have become popular in spite of lame first lines. Here are six of those tunes that are strong once you get past the opening line, a list that includes The Beatles themselves as well as one of its members as a solo artist and other veteran songwriters.
Crackerbox Palace by George Harrison
The quietest member of the Fab Four had a hit with this track from the Thirty Three and a Third album, even though the song starts out with the obvious fact that "I was so young when I was born."
In Your Wildest Dreams by the Moody Blues
After a score of hits in the late sixties and throughout the seventies, this British quintet hit the charts in the eighties with this tune that opens with the banal phrase "Once upon a time."
Tangled Up in Blue by Bob Dylan
Even the folk-rock bard himself occasionally succumbs to a too obvious line, such as "Early one morning the sun was shining and I was lying in bed" in this great tune from Blood on the Tracks.
Dreadlock Holiday by 10cc
The very creative band, once dubbed as an American version of Queen, opened this reggae-tinged hit with the banal "I was walking down the street."
Everlasting Everything by Wilco
Jeff Tweedy penned this track for the self-titled Wilco album, starting it with the too-obvious line, "Everything alive will die."
All You Need Is Love by The Beatles
John Lennon was responsible for the regrettable opener to this track from Magical Mystery Tour, on which he sings "Nothing you can do that can't be done."
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